Planning ahead during the unknown | What can Year 13 students do to be prepared?
Exams cancelled…….school’s and colleges closed…..teachers awarding exam grades……..the last few weeks have been complete madness!!!
We are all navigating the unknown, but one thing is for sure is whether we like it or not we are all having to master the art of adaptability.
What we know | The facts
All summer A level examinations have been cancelled
Schools and colleges will provide centre assessment grades for their students
BTEC and Vocational qualifications will also have results awarded in a similar way
Exam results will be published for A levels on 13 August.
There will be the opportunity to sit the exams in Autumn 2020
There will be the opportunity to sit the exams in summer 2021
Making plans
As someone who likes to make plans this period of time certainly feels like a period of limbo and I am sure it is a feeling shared by many students and parents. Based upon what we already know there are several important discussions that should be taking place which can help to shape future decisions going forward.
Applying to University:
Keep informed with UCAS updates | Not just on track but also through their social accounts.
Be proactive | If you have a place on your chosen course could you contact your future university course tutor? Could they recommend a reading list or provide access to some useful resources which will help you to prepare you? If you have a clear subject pathway what could you do now to explore this subject and expand your knowledge?
Prepare yourself | Were you on track with your studies? What were your recent grades? Are you likely to gain the grades you need for the courses you have applied for? Don’t threat over what you cannot change but being prepared is key to gaining a place on a course you want.
Consider your options | What would taking a gap year look like? How would you fund a gap year? How could you stay on top of your studies if you decided to resit one or more of your exams? One of our former students Beth talks about how she found a gap year was the perfect option for her
Clearing | Be familiar with the clearing service if you feel you may not meet the conditions of your offers
Applying for Apprenticeships or work:
Get organised | Perfect your CV and covering letter or if you do not currently have one create one!
Seek out new opportunities | It may feel like there is no way you can gain new experiences during the lock down period but there are a wide range of online resources at little or no cost which can develop your skill set. Can you develop your ability to code? Participate in daily baking tutorials. Attend webinars on topics meaningful to you?
Connect | Social media platforms such as Linked In are a great way to connect with potential employers and see what the trending topics for your chosen career or area of interest are. This will also help you engage in meaningful discussions if asked to attend an interview.
Start applying! | Don’t let the current situation put you off applying for a job or apprenticeship. There are still jobs being advertised so use this time to really research into the employers who serve your chosen area of interest whether it be childcare, IT or engineering!
#university #ucas #jobs #onlinetuition #ALevels #revision #remotelearning #grouprevision