Covid-19 Policy
Supporting students learning during this difficult time.
Tutoring during Covid-19
At this present time it is our preference that all tuition currently takes place online. This includes one to one tuition, our weekly classes and intensive revision courses. There will however be occasions when face to face tutoring takes place and in these circumstances the below guidelines will apply.
When tutoring face to face during these unprecedented times we have the following measures in place to keep both ourselves and our students and families safe.
Students who are showing any symptoms of Covid 19 should cancel their pre-booked lesson as soon as possible. This will not be subject to the usual cancellation fees and can be cancelled up until the beginning of the lesson.
The tutor reserves the right to cancel a lesson if a student appears unwell.
Lessons missed will be re-booked after a negative test result or a 10 day quarantine period.
If a students year group bubble has a confirmed case and the year group are sent home - even if the student is not displaying any symptoms the above will apply.
Tutors and students will remain at recommended social distance apart throughout the sessions and both the student and tutor must wear a face covering if they cannot maintain a 2m distance.
Tutor and student must use hand sanitiser throughout the session and will use their own resources with minimal touching of the others items.
We are working hard to keep everyone safe and will update this policy in line with policy changes.
Please find useful links below: